About St Matthew’s Churches
St Matthew's Churches is a Christian church and takes great pride in its
history. Through their ordained ministers, St Matthew’s Churches, for more than
half a century, has preached thousands of biblically based sermons, baptized
multitudes, and traveled millions of miles all over the world to spread the
Gospel of our blessed Lord and Savior.
It is St Matthews Churches firm belief that we, like all Christians, have been
commissioned to evangelize the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In The
Gospel According to St. Mark 16:15, Jesus instructed: "Go ye into all the
world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Again, in The Gospel According
to St. Mark 13:10, Jesus said, "And the gospel must first be published among
all nations." We here at Saint Matthew’s Churches take God’s word literally.
This is a very serious matter to St Matthew’s Churches.
Saint Matthew’s Churches is not connected to your local church which is also named
Saint Matthew’s for the first book in the New Testament. Saint Matthew’s Churches, since 1951, has primarily grown by word of
mouth, from one home telling another home, and by our free printed sermons,
which are St Matthew’s Churches' home missionary program. The Biblical Seed Harvest program, St. Matthew's Churches stewardship
program, is not mandatory. It is only a suggested guideline in worshiping God with your tithes and offerings.
Saint Matthew’s Churches receives tithes and offerings based on the Scriptures,
and uses church donations to buy postage and printing of gospel sermons, books,
magazines, and other literature that we give away free of charge. Saint
Matthew's Churches does not sell anything. In its mail sermons, it preaches
that God answers prayer, which the church has the right to do under the U.S. Constitution.
However, the published sermons and sacred literature sent free of charge by
Saint Matthew’s Churches crosses the paths of atheists; communists; drug
dealers; criminals; the lunatic fringes of society; those who hate the United
States, God and Christianity and those who hate us because we are gospel
Golda Meir, the third Prime Minister of Israel, once said, "We will not roll
over and die just to make our enemies happy." The same is true of Saint
Matthew’s Churches and all other churches which are wrongfully accused improperly using the mail.
Thousands of people are blessed by the church's mail sermons. Saint Matthew's
Churches understands that not everyone wants to receive our literature. Some
who receive one of the gospel books or sermon letters that we send free of
charge – and we emphasize "free of charge" - hate gospel literature. Honest people just
throw the literature into the trash if they do not want to receive it; the
literature costs them nothing. St Matthew’s Churches pay all of the costs for
printing the literature as well as the postage to mail it.
There are many hurting people who believe in biblical teachings and prayer, and
who are grateful to receive St Matthew’s Churches church books and sermon
letters free of charge. These people write back to Saint Matthew’s Churches requesting
prayer; they know that God answers prayer. Because Saint Matthew’s Churches is
based upon Christian teachings, St Matthew’s Churches forms a friendship with
those who are interested in receiving free of charge more of the gospel of
Jesus Christ, His saving grace, and His Second Coming. Hundreds of thousands
have joined the church and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
As noted, most people who do not wish to receive Saint Matthew’s Churches
gospel literature simply dispose of it, never thinking anything more about it. However, there are some who wish to hurt all churches.
They write or call their local newspapers or television stations and complain. Then, the newspapers or television stations
take these few false claims and attack our church
and other Christian churches in a way that suggests Christians engage in wrongdoing and also suggests that no one wants to receive the gospel
free of charge. These newspapers or television stations often quote unnamed
sources making their false claims.
The vast majority of the men and women in the press are honest. Nevertheless,
all of us have seen on the news how a few news reporters have published stories
about that were printed as the truth which were obviously false. No Christian church has ever been convicted of wrongdoing for believing that God Answers Prayers.
Click here to learn about Saint Matthew's Churches, Mother Church, the
Cathedral of Saint Matthew.